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What Are Servitors?

Servitors are entities made by witches for a specific purpose. For a simple comparison, they are like imaginary friends.

Why Do People Make Servitors?

As stated above, servitors are usually made for a specific purpose. This purpose can be long-term or just until a specific action is completed. The most common reason is to create a servitor to serve as a protector, a living ward and shield. However, the purpose can be as simple as wanting a loyal companion, like a pet of sorts.

Servitors can also be made to carry out spells or curses. They will transport the intent to the target and then will cease to exist as soon as their duty is completed.

Types and Classifications.

Independent and Dependent.

And Independent servitor does not need its creator. It can exist without any attachment to the maker, leaving room for the risk of going rogue and disobeying orders. Independents are generally Intelligent. I do not recommend making Independent servitors. Dependents cannot exist without their creator. This makes them very loyal and will not be able to revolt without ceasing to exist. Dependents can have any level of Intelligence without risk.

Intelligent, Limited Intelligence, No Intelligence (No Free Will and/or no ability to communicate).

The level of Intelligence determines whether or not the servitor can speak, think, and have opinions of its own. It is what determines whether or not it is a dog or a human, to put it simply. This can be changed post-creation and servitors can evolve their Intelligence if given the chance and potential. Simple servitors that are not programmed to specifically stay at a low level of Intelligence can become very Intelligent.

Any combination of Independence (or lack thereof) and Intelligence will give you the basic foundation and limitations for your servitor. These can be changed post-creation, but it is recommended to keep the servitor in its original and intended state. High Intelligence coupled with Independence can potentially lead to trouble down the road if the servitor decides that it is not content with serving.

All of my servitors are completely Dependent, with varying Intelligence levels. It is much safer that way.

Methods for Making a Servitor (Soul Molding, Echo Weaving, Charging)

Soul Forming: This is the easiest way to create a servitor. It also ensures that the servitor is completely dependent on its creator and can be easily destroyed should it malfunction. This is recommended for companion-type servitors and long-term servitors.

Essentially, it is the process of the creator taking part of their energy or soul (whatever term you use), pulling a bit out like Silly Putty while leaving a string connecting to the main piece, and then shaping that bit into a form pleasing to the eyes. Using this method, the servitor is literally an extension of the creator. It is very easy to perform and the servitors made with this method are extremely dependable and easy to control, as the creator is simply controlling a piece of themselves. A good failsafe for this method, should a servitor try to go against its programming, is for the extended bit that the servitor is made of to immediately be reabsorbed at the first thought of retaliation. Nothing is wasted and it is very easy to “edit” servitors made with this method.

The main problem with this method is that it is not the safest method for servitors that might take damage. Protective servitors made with Soul Forming are extensions of the creator. Should they be harmed, there is a high chance of the creator also experiencing some discomfort. There is a possibility that, should a servitor be destroyed, that energy from the creator might not be able to be reabsorbed, causing a period of exhaustion as the creator’s energy work to fill in the gap left. So far, I have not experienced any of these possibilities, though they are something to keep in mind.

Echo Weaving: This is the newest method that I have begun to use. Servitors made with this method tend to have low Intelligence and are not as strong as ones made with different methods. This method is recommended for scouting, swarming, or easy-to-manifest servitors.

To use this method, the creator needs to be familiar with energy signatures, as this is what this method depends on. Everyone leaves behind a sort of echo or trace of their energy behind them, like footsteps. Once the servitor’s design is decided upon, the maker takes that energy signature echo and forms the servitor from it. This way, the servitor takes no present energy from the creator to manifest and it will feed on the constant echoes left behind. This method is currently being tested and has not been in use enough to know any possible problems that might arise.

Charging: This method is used to make a servitor out of a previously created character. It involves taking that character’s personality and form and pushing energy into it, as if breathing life into an empty husk. This method is recommended for those who already know exactly what they want. It is a process similar to charging a sigil or stone.

Each person generally comes up with a few personal methods that they prefer to use. These are just the main ones that I have used.


It is recommended that every servitor that is long-term be made a physical anchor. For example, one of my protective servitors is linked to our plane by a painted deer skull. Bones work very well for animal-like servitors. A physical anchor can be anything from a picture to a pencil. Sigils are often used, as well. A physical anchor should be kept somewhere safe and away from any hazards. Should the creator get too weak to manifest the servitor themselves, then the physical anchor is what keeps the servitor functioning properly until the creator is better.

It is also recommended that the creator make themself an anchor. This way, the servitor has a portable anchor and can follow its creator easily. Servitors with this type of anchor are always Dependent. The creator should never be the only anchor for their servitor, only secondary.

Anchors are like save files for servitors. Once a work is complete, it is saved to a USB or a hard drive. It exists in that save file and is preserved. The reason that more than one anchor is important is that, should one of the save files be deleted or corrupted, there is a copy in a different location.

Basic Rules

Whatever you create is solely your responsibility.

Any offense that your servitor commits falls back on you, as you are the owner and creator. The blame falls on you.

If you have no further use for a servitor, destroy it.

Am I Ready to Make a Servitor?

Do you have the design and purpose for your potential servitor? Do you know exactly what you want it to do, how to act, and how to look? Much like creating a character to use in a story, all of this is essential before the actual performance. You are creating artificial life, not doing improv. Details are a must.

Now that that is figured out, do you have your anchor(s) figured out? Are you healthy and have a good idea of how to make your servitor? Do you have shields and wards up in case anything goes wrong?

If all of these questions are answered with “yes,” then go ahead. Good luck.

What Do I Do If My Servitor Goes Rogue? Am I to Blame?

Yes. A thousand times yes. I cannot stress this enough. You made this, you are responsible for every little thing it does. The servitor is a part of you-or was. You must take the blame for anything it does. If it harms someone, you have harmed someone. Keep this in mind if you were planning on avoiding any consequences of cursing someone by having a servitor carry the curse.

If you have a dog and that dog attacks someone, you take responsibility for that attack.

Another thing to keep in mind, servitors typically carry the same or a very similar energy signature to their creators. If I sent out one of mine to attack someone, then it could potentially be traced back to me by someone experienced with energy signatures.

If a servitor goes rogue, destroy it immediately. Whatever it meant to you, it has decided not to follow you anymore. It is dangerous and should be erased immediately.

Things to Keep in Mind.

It is possible to unintentionally create a servitor. It is actually a common problem that not many people realize that they have done. If an entity shows up to work with you and acts exactly how you want it to, then it might be a servitor that you unconsciously made. These types of servitors can come in any form, even as a powerful entity that one might believe is a god or divine being. They will act out of character if they are in the form of a commonly known god, though to the creator it will seem completely plausible. They might visit others. The more people that believe them to be a powerful entity, the more power the servitor will gain. There is a possibility that these types of servitors do not know that they are not who they look like. These types of servitors, once discovered to be servitors, should be erased immediately to avoid any long lasting consequences.

If the creator does not name their servitor, it might name itself. This is not too big of a problem, but it is recommended to check the meaning behind the name it has given itself.

Do not forget that a servitor is not truly its own being. If it malfunctions or there is no need for it, do not hesitate to destroy it immediately. It can be remade better later on.

Intelligent servitors can access your own knowledge, resulting in them bringing up latent problems or fears that the creator has not dealt with yet. This can be distressing if the servitor presses to have the issue worked out and the creator is not ready to do so.

Servitors do not stop existing if you forget about them. I have one that I forgot about for two years and she is still around-she even gained a higher Intelligence level while I forgot about her. They exist in a sort of limbo.

Keep an eye on higher level Intelligent servitors. These can become dangerous if not kept in check.

Rogue servitors can come to you masquerading as entities. While you may have not created them, they are still servitors and should not be treated as true entities, no matter what they claim.

Should you believe in past lives, servitors created lifetimes ago by a previous incarnation might still exist. They are typically very weak after long periods of having no contact with their creator-many ceasing to exist if separated long enough. Ones that persist through the ages to find their creators are generally very dependable.

Servitors that can talk usually come up with a name for their creator. I have been called “mother” and “mistress” and “my lady,” to name a few possibilities. My servitors are generally very aware of the fact that they exist because I made it so, thus having some sort of reverence toward me. I would assume that this is common with servitors that know they are servitors.

Servitors are great constant companions. They can also be utilized in astral travel as companions, guides, steeds, and protectors.

A servitor might start to weaken over time or fade. Should this happen, push more energy into them to revitalize them.

Servitors can be given to other people should the creator no longer want them or decides that the other person can use their servitor better. Once ownership is given, the original creator has no control over the servitor. The new owner can change the servitor as they see fit and give it a new purpose. Only trust another with your servitor if you know that you will never want it back. The new owner can destroy it, as well.

Avoid naming servitors that only exist to carry spells, as they will cease to exist as soon as their job has been completed.